April 27, 2009

The Incredible Journey

Today starts the 30 day countdown of one of the greatest days of my life.


Hightailing it out of Oklahoma and heading to the West coast for Lake Tahoe, CA.


Many people have asked what all this deal entails so let me explain:


First Baptist Church of Lake Tahoe has a program for children in the area to have a place in which is safe, free and they can learn about their savior.


They need people to work at this camp and since it is non-profit, the NAMB (North American Mission Board) provides funding for employees.


Since working with kids is my god given talent, I can hopefully say:  “I love my job” and mean it.


I have committed to work there at least six months. After that I can choose to stay or move around.


The sky’s the limit.


While there, I will be able to visit Yosemite National Park, San Francisco, and hopefully Vegas for my brother’s 21’s birthday!


Excitement has taken over and I am ready for whatever is in the grand scheme of things now.


Keep your eyes open for my 100th post coming up next!!!!