January 19, 2009

My least favortie day


This morning started out like a typical Monday.


Hit the snooze button 4 times and DID NOT want to get out of bed.


Get ready to take a shower and guess what?!? The pipes are broken and the drains are all clogged up. Meaning … NO SHOWER!


I was pissed. The drains freaking started bubbling when I was brushing my teeth for Pete’s sake!


So I shrug it off and head to work…. And what do you know? There is a ton of work to be done, lists to be made and people to call.


My cell phone got lost 2 times this weekend? What the heck? I just paid $384.00 for this darn thing!


To top it all off it is below 0 in my office. AHHHHHH no bueno.


What do you do when life throws a monkey wrench in your life? Any remedies… I could use a few.


Anonymous said...

Remedies yes...when God gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Throw them back, and proclaim how dare you give me lemons without vodka to at least make a decent cocktail! Then stomp around (you can jump here if you want to also), then you should demand room service, a massage, Juan-the pool boy, and some Evian...oh wait...uhm 86 that! You might get arrested. Le me think on that. :) Just count to 10 and breathe before you respond. Remembering what you say or do, can sometimes, not be taken back.

Mack Momma said...

is that you taylor?