December 22, 2008

the nightmare before Christmas

Memories….. Two days til ole St. Nick squeezes his huge butt down the chimney. Eats the cookies that you made and drinks the glass of milk.

He delivers the presents every so quietly and doesn’t exit without leaving a thank you note for the midnight snack.

This is what I lived for as a child, unable to sleep from Dec 24th at around 8:00 pm on. Waking up in the middle of the night to rummage through my stalking and eating entirely too much candy.

And finally waking my parents up at 6am Christmas day to start open presents.

This was the good life, before I knew that Santa was not real.

It hurt to finally come to the realization that he was just a figment of imagination. When I was about 8 or so, I got up to go to the bathroom and heard rustling downstairs. I quickly tip-toed hoping to see Mommy kissing Santa Clause (if she was, I would have called her a whore.)

But instead I found my mom and dad putting together my Fisher-Price Kitchen set and arguing about where the pieces go. Infuriated and disappointed I went to bed crying.

Those days of being naive and innocent came to abrupt end and I no longer left cookies for Santa.

Since I have entered adult hood, Christmas has a different meaning for me now. Jesus is the reason for the season and that is the best thing of all.


Anonymous said...

Oh so true! I hope you have a very Merry CHRISTmas! Be safe and enjoy!
