August 30, 2010

Entrepreneur University

Owning your own business is sometimes a juggling act.

In the beginning, you are working paycheck to paycheck, giving your clients a 110% to prove yourself and busting your tail just to make ends meat.

Over time, if you decide you want your business to work it does get easier... and then you are able to do what they call "development". Reading books, taking classes, seminars, audio motivation etc.

Business owners must stay current and know their stuff. In a game that is ever changing, you have to keep your mind fresh.

With that said, Social Media Mack has taken a vow to never stop learning...

Here is a reading list we are going to start out with to broaden our horizons:

Yes! 50 Scientific Proven Ways to Be Persuasive - Noah J. Goldstein
It's Not About the Coffee: Leadership Principles from a Life at Starbucks - Howard Behar
Ten Deadly Marketing Sins - Phillip Kotler
Raving Fans - Ken Blanchard

And don't forget the audio in the car:
Why We Want You to Be Rich - Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki
The Difference - Jean Chatzky

Your brain is always needing some conditioner (like washing your hair) and you will NEVER know everything.

We will let you know how this reading turns out. Try it... you might like it!