November 23, 2009

Like Tim Gunn says: Make it work..

Social media and advertising has exploded in the past year. Although ways of getting the word our have changed, your business's vision has probably stayed the same.

Regina Collins; author of Optimize, focuses on your vision, goals, and celebrating success. Collins' book is an easy read and really sheds light on one of many subjects that needs to be addressed: work-life balance.

Work-life balance meaning: the balance between your personal and professional life. If you are like myself, you might find this to be a difficult thing to grasps, but Collins says it's possible.

When networking, meeting people, having a web presence, and being social in general is part of your job, work-life balance seems less and less achievable.

Collins says she "would like to see both personal and professional visions become a reality without having sacrificing one or the other". Optimize goes in depth on how to establish your personal vision and professional vision.

Looking at everything on paper is alot easier than trying to split hairs in your head.

Pick up a copy of Optimize and begin designing your success blueprints today!