Email Marketing has become a hot topic now days. Email can be checked in may ways and is instantaneous. Many companies have replaced direct mail with E-mail.
Perhaps because email marketing is less expensive and and easier to track.
Constant Contact, The world's most used email client began in 1998 to provide affordable, easy-to-use email marketing tool that would help small businesses build successful, lasting customer relationships.
With Constant Contact, small organizations can communicate with current customers and members easily and affordability, build loyalty, and generate repeat business.
Today, more than 450,000 customers worldwide from all types of small businesses and organizations—from retail, restaurants, and spas to business services, consultants, nonprofits, and associations—use Constant Contact for Email Marketing, Event Marketing, Online Surveys, and Social Media Marketing.
Each state in the U.S. has a state contact. Within those are several regional directors.
In November 2011, Social Media Mack became an official partner with Constant Contact. SMM serves all of Oklahoma as Email Marketing and Social Media "Expert"
Check for seminars on the "Power of Email Marketing" coming in 2012.
To view our seminar schedule visit
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